Jacques @ Jazz News

jsb_taubira_jazznewsChristiane Taubira became a hero of mine when she passed the Law -named after her- that acknowledged slavery as a crime against humanity in 2001. She was then a member of the French Congress.

I was so touched to see her at my first official concert as a band leader in Paris in 2006… Later I kept seeing her at my gigs without exchanging more than warm greetings. But we became friends while participating together to a radio show about the passing of the great Edouard Glissant. Her rise as Minister of Justice hasn’t changed this rich and spontaneous dialogue between us.

Je suis honoré d’avoir partagé ce moment avec une héroine des droits de l’homme, et aussi la personnalité la plus brillante du paysage politique actuel, à l’occasion de la sortie de mon nouveau disque: Jazz Racine Haiti.

I was honored to share this moment with a true hero of human rights, and also the most brilliant personality of the modern political landscape, to talk about my new CD: Jazz Racine Haiti.

Pre-order Jazz Racine Haiti and get a track instantly!
FR click here – http://bit.ly/1hWTTav
US click here – http://bit.ly/JSBiTunes

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